Are Introverts Less Likely To Get Hired

It’s widely believed that today’s job market suits extroverted personalities who can effortlessly network and have inbuilt leadership qualities. And that there’s no place for introverts in the job market.

This belief is so far from the truth. Introverts are highly sought after at work because of their unique traits like attention to detail, problem-solving, and innovation.

So is it really true that introverts are less likely to get hired?

Introverts are powerhouses at work, and companies realize this fact. Hiring managers know that it’s impossible to achieve targets if the team only has extroverts and leaders. The team should have the right mix of personality traits, and introverts are highly sought for job positions requiring deep focus and high precision.

Many believe that introverts and shyness go together, and this is not true. Introverts are not shy; on the contrary, they can form rich social connections. It’s just that introverts form deep bonds with a small group of highly trusted networks.

In this article, we’ll look into the common beliefs about introverts and explore what’s the real story.

Is it Harder for Introverts to Get a Job?

Is it Harder for Introverts to Get a Job
Is it Harder for Introverts to Get a Job?

Finding a job as an introvert doesn’t need to be harder. It may look like introverts are at a disadvantage because they don’t network a lot and do not come across as confident and outgoing as extroverted personalities.

Introverts are usually aware that they lack specific social skills and have to face challenges, so they tend to work harder and can produce amazing results.

It all comes down to the amount of preparation and practice a candidate puts in before attending the interviews. And especially for an introverted person, putting that extra hard work and preparation can work wonders to enhance their chances of getting that job offer.

The area where introverts could be at a disadvantage might be networking, and building connections, which may come naturally to an extroverted person. A survey from Linkedin indicates that around 85% of all job openings are filled via networking and employee referrals.

In today’s world, a massive chunk of jobs gets filled via networking, which might never get published in the open job market – online job portals or websites. Since extroverts have the natural ability to network and meet new people, they might have a natural advantage in being aware of a job opening and getting the job.

This does not mean that introverts cannot network. Introverts are able to make more deep and meaningful connections because of their natural ability to listen, understand, empathize and be flexible.

If you’re an introvert, below are some tips to build your network further and take it to the next level:

  • Be Yourself – First things first – Do not try to imitate an extroverted person; it could make you uncomfortable and work against you. Know your strengths and advantages as a proud introvert.

  • Use Your Network To Expand Your Network – An introverted person usually has a small network of friends, family, and colleagues. Ask your network if they can introduce you to one more person. Since the small group knows you well, they’ll happily do that for you. Expand your network slowly and consistently.

  • Go for Networking Events – Networking events are usually unpleasant for introverts, but once in a while, come out of your comfort zone and be willing to be uncomfortable. Take one step at a time, target to build one connection in a networking event.

Being an introvert does not mean that it’s harder to find jobs. Preparation is the key that gives you the natural confidence to crack interviews and get the job.

Do Companies Like to Hire Introverts?

Do Companies Like to Hire Introverts
Do Companies Like to Hire Introverts

Most companies realize that introverts make great employees, and hiring them is excellent for business.

Extroverts are outgoing and might display signs of leadership qualities. But hiring all extroverts can be a major mistake that a company can make because they would miss out on all the skills and talents that introverts bring to the table.

Companies understand that a team full of extroverts cannot get much done and need a healthy mix of extroverts (employees who can bring energy to the group) and introverts (employees who have laser focus and can deep dive).

Below are qualities of introverts that helps companies achieve their targets and flourish:

  • Work as a Team– Introverts can work independently and in a team. Introverts are great contributors when paired with extroverts; they bring in the majority of the ideas, and extroverts can present them.

  • Handle High-Stress Situations – Introverts do not want to be at the center of positive or negative limelight and can maintain calm in high-stress situations. Introverts are level-headed by nature and best suited to handle work emergencies.

  • Highly Productive – Introverts do not like to spend time chit-chatting in the office and prefer to be left alone. This quality makes them highly productive at work and can produce more output than their extrovert counterparts. Extroverts, on the other hand, gain energy by talking to others.

Companies need a mix of introverts and extroverts in their teams and are constantly looking for introverts to fill work that requires deep focus, innovation, and excellence.

Are Introverts Good at Jobs?

Are Introverts Good at Jobs
Are Introverts Good at Jobs

Introverts thrive in jobs that give them space and independence. They shine in work that requires deep focus and innovation and think through the various aspects of an issue to develop creative solutions to problems.

Introverts might not do well in jobs that require outgoing personalities like sales and marketing but can produce excellent results when given the right jobs that suit their personality traits.

Below are the top qualities of an introvert that makes them excellent employees and team members:

  • Hard Work– Introverts understand their position and are likelier to work harder and make fewer mistakes than extrovert coworkers.

  • Boost Confidence – Introverts face more stress and anxiety during job hunts than outgoing people. Boosting the confidence of introverts can work wonders, and they can out-perform extroverts.

  • Better Problem Solvers – Introverts listen closely and carefully analyze the subject being discussed before coming up with their suggestions or forming conclusions. This makes them better problem solvers than their extroverted coworkers.

  • Attention to Details – Introverts can maintain high accuracy and thoroughness when performing tasks. Attention to detail is their forte which is highly appreciated at work.

  • Prepare in Advance – Since introverts are not very comfortable in meetings and presentations, they have this unique quality to prepare in advance. They do not shy away from over-preparing to ensure they give a fantastic presentation. Coming prepared to meetings makes every meeting meaningful and productive.

Introverts shine at work that requires deep focus and innovation. Selecting the right job type based on your personality traits is crucial and can produce excellent results that benefit teams and companies.

10 Amazing Jobs for Introverts

10 Amazing Jobs for Introverts
10 Amazing Jobs for Introverts

If you’re an introvert, you might have social anxiety and feel awkward in social interactions. But this doesn’t mean that introverts are shy. On the contrary, introverts can be sociable and form meaningful connections with their coworkers.

Introverted personality types have unique qualities that are highly regarded at work. They would be excellent at paying close attention to details, have laser focus at work, and would thrive on highly detailed work that allows them to be alone.

Introverts work well when they can focus on one task at a time. If you are an introvert looking for a job, consider your personality traits and look for jobs that allow you to thrive in the work environment.

Select your job industry carefully, based on your personality traits, and you will be amazed at the job opportunities available. Below is a compilation of 10 jobs that are best suited for Introverts

ActuariesActuaries use mathematics, statistics & financial theory to analyze the cost of risk and uncertainties. Their work is essential to Insurance Industry.$105,900
Technical WritersTechnical writers prepare instruction manuals and how-to guides to communicate complex technical information more easily.$78,060
Computed and Information Research ScientistsComputer and information research scientists design innovative uses for new and existing computing technology.$131,490
Computer ProgrammersComputer programmers write, modify, and test code and scripts that allow computer software and applications to function correctly.$93,000
Accountants and AuditorsAccountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records.$77,250
Financial ExaminersFinancial examiners primarily work in the finance and insurance industry and ensure compliance with laws that govern institutions handling monetary transactions.$81,410
Special Effects Artists & AnimatorsSpecial Effects Animators create images that appear to move and visual effects for various forms of media and entertainment.$78,790
Graphic DesignersGraphic designers create visual concepts using computer software or by hand to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers.$50,710
Airline and Commercial PilotsAirline and commercial pilots fly and navigate airplanes, helicopters, and other aircraft.$134,630
Aircraft and Avionics Equipment MechanicAircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and technicians repair and perform scheduled maintenance on aircraft.$65,550

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