How To Become a Vape Product Reviewer Tester

If you are ready to build a social media following, becoming a vape product reviewer is an excellent option.

Becoming a vape product tester might sound fun, but there’s effort involved. You will need to review many products you don’t like, and you may not be good at them initially. But the good news is that if you keep at it, you will eventually improve and build your credentials.

Becoming a Vape Reviewer or Tester is essentially a four-step process – (1) Create your account on social media sites, (2) Build your audience and followers, (3) Reach out to vaping sites, and (4) Grow your reach and work with brands. Anyone willing to put in the effort can build their review credentials and generate a decent income from product reviews and feedback.

In this article, we will go through the step-by-step process of becoming a vape reviewer, an exciting and growing industry, and provide helpful tips on contacting vaping sites for products to review.

Step-by-Step Process to Become a Vape Reviewer

Step-by-Step Process to Become a Vape Reviewer
Step-by-Step Process to Become a Vape Reviewer

In a nutshell, you must build your channel followers on social media (Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook). Then start contacting companies to send you free products for review.

When you start out, not all companies may want to work with you, and that’s ok. Everyone starts out this way. Be ready to face a lot of rejections, as companies prefer to work with influencers who have a significant social media follower presence.

Don’t worry; companies are willing to work with starter reviewers. Our objective here is to find and contact such companies.

So you are ready to start your journey to become a Vape Reviewer. What’s the next step? Let’s go through a step-by-step process that lays down all you must do to get started and become a Vape Reviewer.

Step1: Create your account on Social Media Sites

Today’s three top social media sites are Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. You will need an account on all three sites to build your online presence and followers.

Create your account, and you are good to go to the next step.

Step2: Build your Audience/Followers

Create the content on the three social media sites and start posting. Check out what other vape product influencers are doing on their sites. Be inspired and start creating your unique content to attract people who will start following you for your content.

Remember, this process is slow and takes time to build traction. So don’t be disappointed at the beginning. You would make mistakes initially, and that’s ok. Learn from your mistakes, make corrections, and keep going.

Step 2 is one of the most important steps in your Reviewer journey. Let’s break this down into actionable steps:

1. Create Helpful Content

During the initial stages, keep creating useful content. You can buy your own vaping products and review them on your social media site.

This would be useful later because once you start contacting vaping sites for products, they do review your followers and your review content.

2. Build Initial Followers

Until you gain initial followers on your sites, don’t even consider contacting vaping sites for products. Product sites do look at your follower base, subscribers, and traffic before sending you free vaporizer products to review.

3. Preparatory Work before contacting vaping sites

While building an audience, you can do some preparation work before Step 3 (Contacting Vaping Sites).

Shortlist the vaping sites that you will later reach out to, create an account, and start buying your products from these sites for personal purposes.

Write a detailed and helpful product review for every product you buy on that site. This will come in handy when you start contacting the sites later.

Step3: Contact Vaping Sites

After a couple of months, you will slowly start getting followers. At this stage, you are a small reviewer, and you can start reaching out to vaping sites looking for small reviewers who can review their products.

You can start contacting vaping sites like GearBest, FastTech, HeavenGifts, and SourceMore.


Vape Product Reviewer - GearBest
Vape Product Reviewer – GearBest
  • You can request to work with GearBest using their Contact Us page.
  • They will look at your product request and check your social media followers and performance before sending you a free vaporizer product for review.


Vape Product Reviewer - FastTech
Vape Product Reviewer – FastTech
  • You can request to work with FastTech using their Vine Review Program. You can also reach out to them via Facebook
  • The Vine program is for professional reviewers like you.
  • They will look at your youtube following before they decide to send free vaporizer products for review.


Vape Product Reviewer - HeavenGiftsjpg
Vape Product Reviewer – HeavenGiftsjpg
  • Reach out to Heaven Gifts using their Contact Us page
  • One of the good things about them is that they’re willing to work with less known and starter reviewers.


  • Reach out to Source More using their Contact Us Email
  • They also look at your subscriber base before deciding to work with you, so ensure you complete Step 2 before contacting vaping sites.

Step4: Grow and switch to Work with Brands

Once you have done enough reviews and become well-known in the industry, brands and stores will contact you and offer free vaporizer products for review.

To reach this stage, you must work hard on the previous steps – Step 2 and Step 3.

Remember, building your credentials from an invisible person to a well-known brand is a journey. The process takes time, so have patience and keep going. You will eventually be a well-known brand if you keep at it.

Take it one step at a time

  • Step 1 and Step 4 are pretty easy, and the results are almost instant. Step 2 and Step 3 are where most of the heavy lifting is done, and it takes time and patience to get traction and see results. You have to trust the process and keep going at these stages.

  • Step 2 (Build your audience/followers) is where the going gets tough because you are doing this for the first time and are sure to make mistakes. You will need the patience and willingness to learn from your mistakes, make changes, adapt, and keep going.

  • Step 3 (Contact Vaping Sites) is where you must deal with many rejections or “no-response.” Keep going at this because, initially, sites may not want to work with you. It’s normal for starters to contact 30 to 50 product sites and not to get even one of them to work with you.

When you start out, not all companies may want to work with you, and that’s ok. Everyone starts out this way.

What Qualifications Do I Need to Become a Vape Reviewer?

To become a successful vape reviewer, you should possess several important qualifications and skills.

  • First and foremost, you should have extensive knowledge of the different types of vape products on the market and be able to provide well-informed critiques of these items. Don’t worry; start small and build your knowledge and skillsets over time.
  • Additionally, technical knowledge of vapor production components and accessories is also important to accurately assess the different features or benefits these items might offer.
  • Finally, good communication skills are necessary to effectively convey your thoughts and reviews through written content or social media channels.

If you have a passion for vaping and can write informative and comprehensive reviews, becoming a vape reviewer might be the right fit.

Final Thoughts

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

Thomas Jefferson

When starting as a vape reviewer, research how reviewers post their review content. Get a feel of how to do product reviews, and visually note how you would structure your reviews.

You would likely also encounter situations where you hated a product but felt the pressure to give a good review for the perks from the company.

In such situations, it’s always best to be honest with your audience. Mix your reviews with things you like about the product so your review is not all negative. This will also help your audience get a well-rounded product review with all the pros and cons.

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